Avrainvillea erecta (Berkel.) A.Gepp & E. Grepp


Avrainvillea erecta (Berkel.) A. Gepp & E.Gepp


Plant solitary, with a flexuous, stout, cylindrical stalk, buried under mud in sea-floor; stalk upto 20 cm long or more, 2 cm thick, composed of dichotomously branched filaments united to form the loose cylindrical basal stalk and anchored by colourless rhizoids; frond above the cylondrical stalk formed by the threads spread out and interwoven to form a leaf like flabellate expansions of the fronds, shortly stipitate or sub-sesile, brown, upto 6 cm or more wide, 8 cm or more high, reniform to subcuneate, thick, very obsurely zonate; margin entire to fibrilose fimbriate; filaments of fronds 27 - 42µ to 30-60µ wide very variable in width, cylendrical, non-torulose, brown in colour.

Distribution : Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa

Ecological status : Intertidal zone

IUCN status : NE

Uses : Food and animal feed